One Thing To Always Do When Blogging

I am writing this as more of a note to self than advice.

Always, always, ALWAYS copy your post onto a word processor.
Or better yet, write it in a word processor then paste it into the blog post.

Because the internet will fail you.
It just happened to me right this second.

I had this lengthy post written about my experience speaking to a class for my old photography professor and the things I told them. I titled it, Two Things That Turned My Hobby Into A Business.

Sure, it has a BuzzFeed-esque title, but it contained some advice I genuinely believed would be helpful to anyone trying to become a photographer, videographer, or anything self employed. Then it happened. Squarespace decided I didn't have an internet connection when I hit save, even though I have had a stable connection. Instead of taking me back to the editing and writing page, it decided it was now connected to the internet, closed the writing module, and loaded the version I had typed in only half the working title into.

It was extremely discouraging, least to say.

Lesson learned, and now I have more to add about the feeling of discouragement and dejection.